Sunday, January 4, 2009

What do we got going on here in Santa's workshop? (Christmas: Part I)

Hello my friends and happy new year to you all. I know it's been a while since my last post, so I thought I'd catch you up on what has been going down over the past month or so. The Christmas season was super fun, and there were lots of festive events to keep the merriment going.

My community group hosted a "Battle of the Sexes Gingerbread Throwdown." Basically, it was guys against girls and we each had to construct an original gingerbread house. I can't say I have done this since elementary school, so the results were a little dicey. However, it was a lot of fun, and I don't know if a winner was ever declared. Here are a couple of pictures from the night:

Our gingerbread village

My gingerbread house

Cryssie and I were able to host our 1st Annual Jingle Mingle this year in our new apartment. The party was extra special since Brooke and Freeland were in Dallas for the holidays. The mingle included a wine tasting and a rousing game of yankee swap (The Office anyone?). Here is a pic from the party.

The 1st Annual Jingle Mingle

Of course, the days leading up to Christmas would not be complete without looking at Christmas lights and making really tacky sugar cookie cutouts. I went with the fam to look at Deerfield's decorative display and I was not disappointed. They really go all out and I highly recommend hitting up that neighborhood if you haven't done so in the past. We finished the night icing our fabulous cookies. Here is a closeup of our hard work!

Check out our mad cookie skills

Another highlight from the days leading up to Christmas was my cousin Christina's Christmas party in Austin. I made the trip down south and was so glad I did. Her party was a blast, complete with an *NSYNC dance party. I love my cousins so much and am so blessed to have them as part of my family. This party definitely got me in the Christmas spirit!

My awesome Austin fousins

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