Monday, September 13, 2010

oh glorious day.

Labor Day weekend marked my triumphant return to the Kingsland Manor and my formal introduction to my precious second cousin (?), Sophia Rose. The weather was absolutely picture-perfect, and although there wasn't much boating time, it was an absolute dream to be back at the lakehouse and reunited with some of my dearest fousins.

Truth be told, the weekend primarily consisted of a few jumps in the lake, countless hours of bananagrams (the best), a mimosa or two (natch), a nap in the hammock, ping pong, a rockin' dance party on the boat ("I throw my hands up in the air sometime, sayin' eh-oh, gotta let go"), quality time with my old married cousin (j/k) and her little "Sophers," the return of ghetto sangria and a lovely Labor Day lunch at The Grove.

Here is the weekend in pictures.

I am blessed beyond measure to have family who constantly show me the love of Christ. It doesn't hurt that they know how to dance and share my affinity for games and Andre. Such a match made in heaven.

Twas a glorious day, indeed, to be back with my dear family on the peaceful water of the lake, where every cloud in the sky points to our mighty Creator. The stars speak of His wonder and I am moved every time I am amongst His creation at the lakehouse. I wish I could accurately depict the majesty of the sky at night. It is such a testament to Christ's love for us and I can only say holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty. May I never cease to marvel at the beauty you have given us and may it always point me back to you.

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