Wowzers. It's been a month of Sundays since I posted on this 'ole blog. At this juncture, I find it exceedingly doubtful that anyone is still checking this, but for whatever reason, I felt inspired to recap our Austin Thanksgiving in photo form. There was excess food, excess drink, but most importantly, excess merriment and laughter. I mean, who would have thought a game of "would you rather" could result in endless hours of entertainment and some of the most sincere laughs I have ever heard from my cousin and uncle. To top it off, the weather was darn near perfect with clear skies and sunshine for days. Oh, and in case you are wondering from the photos, there were two separate and equally gluttonous Thanksgiving meals prepared. It was a double-header of sorts. So if anyone is tuning in, here goes nothing...
A couple of months ago, I decided it was high time for a good 'ole family vacation. I had been thinking about it for probably a year and finally pulled the trigger -- booked a beach trip for the whole fam dam and surprised them with the plans on Mother's Day (via a scavenger hunt around the house). I can't even begin to express how hard it was to keep it a secret AND how excited I was for the big reveal. It felt like Christmas morning all over again.
Once our departure date arrived, we packed it up and headed to Florida for some serious beach time. And when I say beach time, I'm talking we were there from sun up to sun down with zero breaks. It's almost laughable to when I think back to the idea that I would take a leisurely nap up in the room each afternoon - hardee har har. Suffice it to say, this did not happen...but I'm so glad it didn't because I got to spend precious time with my loves and the rest of my fam. We played on the beach, hunted for seashells, floated in the waves, flew down a giant water slide (that was a wild ride, let me tell ya), swam in the pool, ate dinner together every night (seafood, of course), and capped off the trip with a dolphin cruise. It was such a special time and I will treasure the memories. Here it all is in pictures.
I love the summer, taking naps, drinking champagne, sitting on the patio, sarcasm, people who make me think, friends who make me laugh, church on Sunday morning, cake with lots of frosting, feeling the sun on my face, dancing like no one's watching, seeing God's beauty in the things He's created, Napoletana pizza