I'll start with a few random snapshots that include everything from a sun-soaked pic at a Theology Live event to a batch of birthday cupcakes a made for a co-worker to pizza night with the munchkins:
There was a brief flash of excitement in the form of a visit from a most dear fousin. China doll herself graced us with her glorious presence. It was a night of delicious food and even better conversation. As a sister of my heart, I always feel refreshed after spending even just a few hours with her. Our time was short, but beautiful and I can't help but include pics from the meal. These are to entice you to try Whiskey Cake if you have not. It's a little gem of a restaurant in the land of suburbia rife with restaurant chains.
And in reference to the subject line, the following is a collection of multiple visions of sugar plums via Haylee's dance recital. I'm particularly fond of the last one where she is tugging on her costume and complaining about how itchy it is.
Last weekend was packed as it was also father's day and Nick's 2nd annual 30th birthday. We enjoyed some good 'ole summer fare: burgers with all the fixins, grilled corn, baked beans, fresh fruit and homemade banana pudding a la Michelle. This girl definitely knows her way around southern specialties and the pudding was no exception. We got my dad a sweet, top of the line fishing rod which I hope he will be able to use in the not-too-distant future.
And if the photos above were not enough Kodak moments to satiate your appetite for photography brilliance (courtesy of my highly professional i-phone), I'll leave you with one bonus shot for the road. Suffice it to say, I saved the best for last. You're welcome!