RL here, writing another blog for you to snack on. I'm sure you have found yourself completely consumed with my blog and are unable to keep yourself from checking my site every 5 mintues...I completely understand -- I'm kind of a big deal...I'll admit it. So, without further ado, I present you with my summer exploits thus far...
Cheer CampI took the cheerleaders to cheer camp at SMU and this really started my summer off with a bang...right...anyway, it was actually a lot of fun minus the early hours, bad food and the incessant cheering! My girls were incredibly well-behaved (I've trained them well) and they did a great job at camp! All 13 cheerleaders were nominated for All-American, with 5 of them making it. In addition, they were awarded all blue ribbons at their evaluations, took home the spirit stick and received a trophy for most improved squad. I was so proud of them and don't worry that we have a new motto: "pop-lock-don't drop it." Very clever, huh?
NYCAfter cheer camp, I headed to NYC to visit my friends for the 1st time since I graduated. I can't believe it took me that long to get back up there, but I'm so glad I finally made the trip! It was so good to see my friends, and to be back in the city. My time was fairly uneventful, just a lot of shopping, walking in the park and catching up with old friends. I had a great time hanging out with my dear friends and it really flew by. My trip home, however, was quite a bit more eventful in that our plane's air conditioning system broke, we lost power and we were delayed several different times...good times! But, I made it home and was grateful that the plane held up in the air!!!
AustinAfter NY, I was able to go down to Austin to spend some time with my most favorite fousins (friends + cousins = fousins --- use it, make it your own)! It had been wayyyy tooooo long since I had been down to my favorite city in Texas and I was sooooo glad to be there! My time was spent laying out by their gorgeous pool, attending a lavish engagement party, dancing my heart out at the Ivory Cat on 6th Street, and making my very 1st trip to the Shady Grove. I love my fousins so much and I'm so glad that they are my family!!!
The "in-between"My time in-between has been spent next door laying out, bargain shopping, cleaning out my room, attempting to plan the curriculum for my business class, spending time w/my sis and Haylee Grace, and certainly, participating in all of my friend's wedding festivities!!! My dear friend Peter was the 1st of my friends to take the plunge into marriage, and I attended his beautiful wedding back in May. I was also able to attend an old friend's, Brooke Sims, wedding a couple weeks ago. It was really nice and she made a beautiful bride.
I am now in the midst of my best friend's wedding week -- Kori's getting married in 4 days!!! I have attended several showers for her this summer, and was honored to co-host her lingerie shower in June. She is such a dear friend, and has truly been through so much with me throughout the past 6-7 years. I am truly honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, and she is so blessed to be marrying her one true love (who, by the way, she has been with on and off for the past 10 years). I couldn't be happier for her, and I can't wait for her wedding on Saturday!!!
But wait, that's not it! I also get to look forward to my dear friend's wedding in September, Brooke and Freeland's wedding!!! I am so blessed to be able to call both Brooke and Freeland my friends, and I couldn't have picked a better guy for my friend Brooke. He is one of the most personable and engaging guys I know, and I have never felt like a 3rd or 5th wheel when I'm with them -- I can't wait for their wedding in September and I'm so thrilled to be a bridesmaid!
Whew! Well, I think that's it for now...please enjoy the pics I attached from my summer activities! Until next time...